Clamshell Packaging

Whether you’re packing fishing lures or nuts & bolts, Skinpack has the right kind of clamshell packaging for your needs. With durable transparent plastics that form secure seals to protect products from damage during shipping while providing clear view inside – this type of package also makes it easy transport long distances without risk because they’re designed specifically with retailers in mind!

Clamshell Packaging Advantages

  • The benefits of using clamshell packaging for your products are numerous, highly increasing product attractiveness no matter how elaborate, simple or basic it is.
  • The best way to ensure that your products are in good condition and look appealing is by using clamshell packaging. This ensures customers can see what they’re buying before making their purchase, which helps reduce returns because people know how things should function without having too much uncertainty about them when opened up for the very first time!
  • With a clear view of your product, potential buyers can make informed decisions when they’re researching what you have to offer. Standard packaging in boxes does not give this complete perspective and could mean fewer products sold as well!
  • This versatility means that you can package your products simply, efficiently and affordably with no special machinery required.
  • With the initial investment being so low, this packing option becomes even more cost effective.
  • Packing a range of products into your container will be easy with the many sizes and shapes that are available.
  • The best way to protect your hardware products is by using the correct packaging. If there are sharp points or edges on these items, they need secure enclosure so that they don’t puncture through during shipment and handling process.
  • With Clamshell Package, you are able to include all the necessary information on your product with ease.
• Protection
• Eye-Catching
• Transparent Packaging
• Enhanced Security


• Ease of Customer Use
• Versatility
• Environmentally Friendly
• Cost Effective